Last forum activity

New forum and voice chat!

Our old forum is now closed for new posts, and we have a new forum over at - go register there!

The voice chat is now officially changed from Mumble to Discord. Our Mumble server is shut down. You can join our Discord here:

The web page will be changed soon, it just takes a bit more time to get ready. :)


Another server move! :)

We moved server again, this time to get SSD drive and twice the memory. We also changed from TS3 to Mumble for voice chat. The new IP address is

New IP address!

All of our servers have a new IP address. The new address is (portnumbers are the same). You can find the new info on the gametracker monitors to the right on the frontpage.

New webpages

Welcome to our new webpages! Smile Everything is not in place yet, but give it time. Existing BiA members need to register new accounts!

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